Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump’s Baffling Tweet on Gorsuch

Trump’s Baffling Tweet on Gorsuch
President Donald Trump falsely claimed a Democratic senator “misrepresents” a conversation that the senator had with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. In fact, Gorsuch’s spokesman confirmed the senator’s account.
Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge, has begun meeting with senators who will vote on his nomination.
On Feb. 8, Gorsuch met with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, who later told reporters that he asked the judge about Trump’s Twitter attacks on a federal judge who issued a temporary restraining order blocking the president’s immigration order. In a series of tweets, Trump attacked Judge James Robart as a “so-called judge” and warned that Robart’s ruling “put our country in such peril.”
“If something happens blame him and court system,” Trump tweeted about Robart, an appointee of President George W. Bush.
At a closed meeting with Blumenthal, Gorsuch told the senator that he found Trump’s remarks about Robart and the court “disheartening” and “demoralizing,” as reported by Bloomberg News and others.
Trump accused Blumenthal of lying in a tweet on the morning after the senator’s meeting with Gorsuch.
The only problem: Gorsuch’s office confirmed Blumenthal’s account, as reported by Bloomberg News, the Washington Post and others.
Bloomberg News, Feb. 8: Ron Bonjean, a spokesman aiding Gorsuch in the confirmation process, confirmed Blumenthal’s account of their conversation in an e-mail and said Gorsuch “used the words disheartening and demoralizing.”

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer 

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