Thursday, February 16, 2017

What is mesothelioma?

 What is mesothelioma?                                 

Most Americans are probably not quite sure what mesothelioma is. Many though, can probably associate the word mesothelioma with an attorney or possible litigation. As I flip through the channels on my television set, I too, notice that mesothelioma is frequently mentioned by law firms. However, the focus of this article is to educate the public on what mesothelioma is.

Your Mesothelioma Case

 Your Mesothelioma case is important to you. You have been robbed of years of your life because of someone’s negligence. The question is what are you going to do about it? Mesothelioma is a serious disease. Mesothelioma is caused from exposure to asbestos materials. Often times, Mesothelioma takes decades for this disease to come to the surface. When it is noticed, Mesothelioma is often in its last stages, beyond medical treatment. What does this mean to you, the injured? What does it mean for your family as well? Mesothelioma is also reason to look into litigation.

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer Accuen

Words fail us

Sorry, the word "www mesothelioma" you’re looking for can’t be found in the dictionary. There are several possible reasons why the search failed:
  • You searched for a word using nonstandard orthography that completely stumped our spell-checker.
  • You searched for a word that hasn't been entered into the dictionary yet. A neologism! (Since you're on the lexical vanguard, won't you please submit the word to our Open Dictionary?)
  • You followed a malformed link to our site. These kind of snafushappen.
  • Something dreadful has occurred with our site. We beg your patience while our developers attempt to ameliorate the situation.

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer Accuen

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

airline tickets

In this modern world, air travel is essential for job, tourism and business. Due to the advancement of technology, traveling by air is inexpensive in the present scenario. Traveling in a low-cost air travel is a positive development for the mankind. In this essay, I will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of low fare air travels.
On the one hand, discounted air travels encourages more people to travel for tourism, which provides economical development of the tourist place; people would spend hotels and restaurants of the visited places which boom the income of the local people; it will promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding. Moreover, middle class people can save money for other expenditure like food and shopping while traveling in economical air travels. In addition, low-priced air travels saves time for the people who travel by bus or train. Early morning travelers have an added advantage as there are more of these cheap airline tickets at that time.
On the other hand, although the low cost air travels provide low priced tickets, but the hidden cost like taxes, insurance cost and other added expenses make huge amount to travel. Indeed, consumption of more fuel leads to air pollution due to excess emission of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxide. Certainly, due to improper planning, reschedule or cancel the low cost air travel which leads to a huge loss of the amount. Furthermore, low fare air travel mostly in a bad schedule like either in the early morning or in the midnight which leads to a hectic travel for the low cost travelers. Inexpensive air travel restricts to carry on luggage only to check in or have to pay huge fees for extra baggage.
In a nutshell, by analyzing both the views, I believe that low cost air travel's advantages outweigh disadvantages. Though the low fare air travel produces environmental damage and tight schedule, but its benefits are essential for this technical world. If the low cost air travel and government control emission of pollutants, reduce hidden costs and day time schedule helps the travelers to enjoy a hassle free journey.

Jawad Ameer ©2016, copyright @ jawad ameer

Here's Exactly What I Ate To Lose 11 Pounds In One Month

Here's Exactly What I Ate To Lose 11 Pounds In One Month

 1 / 6 PAGES 
© Provided by DelishI shake my head after spending 20 minutes in a staring contest with a bag of Starbursts when it hits me-it's going to be a LONG 30 days. When I first had the idea of trying Whole30, I was coming off an intense holiday season. So many dips, cocktails, 25 days of cookies-I was in serious need of a detox come January. I had read about Whole30, and was intrigued. After an afternoon of browsing recipes online I decided I could do this! So after my birthday on Jan. 4 (and my party on Jan. 8), it was time to take the plunge.
First, let me quickly spell out the rules of Whole30 for the uninitiated. Whole30 is designed to help you identify foods that have an adverse effect on your body. In order to identify these foods, you must first eliminate them for 30 days to get your body to its "purest" state. This means (according to the official Whole30 website):
  • --No added sugar of any kind (real or artificial) = no honey, syrup, agave, Splenda, Equal, etc.
  • --No alcohol in any form, not even for cooking
  • --No grains = no wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains, and even quinoa
  • --No legumes = no beans of all kinds (black, red, pinto, navy, white, kidney, lima, fava, etc.), peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts.
  • --No soy of any kind = no soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, and edamame
  • --No dairy = cow, goat or sheep's milk products, which includes cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt, and sour cream (Clarified butter or ghee is the exception.)
You are also not allowed to re-create junk foods with approved ingredients. This is known as Sex With Your Pants On-it might feel good, but it's not the real thing. You also are not allowed to weigh yourself throughout the entire 30 days. The program is not about weight, apparently.
One more caveat before we get to the meat (hehe) of what my diet was like for 30 days. My job is literally food. It's everywhere and all I'm thinking and reading about all day. In fact, here's an incomplete list of foods that were cooked in the Delish kitchen during my time on Whole30, which I saw my coworkers devouring but could not eat:
  • --Butterbeer Poke Cake
  • --Edible Cookie Dough
  • --Sloppy Joe Biscuit Dip
  • --Reese's Apple Nachos
  • --Chicken Parm Soup
  • --Samoa Ice Cream
  • --Brownie Batter Pancakes
  • --Football Cheese Ball
  • --Funfetti Shortbread Bites
  • --Snickerdoodle Cheesecake Bars
  • --Boston Cream Pound Cake
  • --Pizza Mac & Cheese
  • --Jalapeno Popper Dip
  • --Pigskin In A Blanket
  • --Chicken Alfredo Dip
  • --Buff-a-cue Chicken Tenders
  • --Slutty Skillet Brownie
  • --Giant BEC
  • --Flamin Mac & Cheetos
So yeah, I'd say this was more difficult for me than most people. But as Whole30 literature says, "this diet isn't hard. Beating cancer is hard." And man, that's a tough point to argue. 

Jawad Ameer ©2016, copyright @ jawad ameer

Don't Prescribe Drugs for Back Pain, Doctors Told

Patients with lower back pain should try heat wraps and exercise first, and prescription drugs should be used only as a last resort, a leading doctors' group said Monday.
New guidelines from the American College of Physicians detail just what works and what doesn't for lower back pain, which affects a quarter of Americans at any given time.
"Given that most patients with acute or subacute low back pain improve over time regardless of treatment, clinicians and patients should select nonpharmacologic treatment with superficial heat massage, acupuncture, or spinal manipulation," the American College of Physicians says in its new guidance.
Image: A woman rubs her lower back© A woman rubs her lower back. Image: A woman rubs her lower back
It may be a big change for many doctors, who often turn to pills first for patients who are in pain.
"For patients with chronic low back pain, [the] American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends non-drug therapy first," the organization says in the new guidelines, published in the Annals of Internal medicine.
Heat wraps, massage and exercise can all help, the group said.
"Exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, acupuncture, mindfulness-based stress reduction, tai chi, yoga, motor control exercise, progressive relaxation, electromyography biofeedback, low level laser therapy, operant therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and spinal manipulation are shown to improve symptoms with little risk of harm," it adds.
"ACP emphasizes that physical therapies should be administered by providers with appropriate training."
"Physicians should consider opioids as a last option for treatment and only in patients who have failed other therapies."
If none of those helps, then over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can be tried, the group says. Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, has been shown in several studies to do little to help back pain, it added.
Only if nothing else works and the patient is still in debilitating pain should a doctor try prescription drugs, the ACP says.
"Physicians should consider opioids as a last option for treatment and only in patients who have failed other therapies, as they are associated with substantial harms, including the risk of addiction or accidental overdose," said Dr. Nitin Damle, president of the ACP.
"Physicians should avoid prescribing unnecessary tests and costly and potentially harmful drugs, especially narcotics, for these patients."
Monica Afesi of New York says yoga worked for her.
"I have had back pain for about 20 years, and it started off pretty mild," Afesi told NBC News.
"In their last six or seven years, it bothered me to the point where I had to go to chiropractors and get help that way," she said. "I have trouble bending over to feed my cats. I have trouble picking up my keys if I drop them at the door."
To her surprise, yoga helped. "If I'm feeling an onset of pain, I know I can come into class, take a class and every time I come into class and finish. I feel taller. I feel stronger. My spine feels longer."
That doesn't surprise Alison West, director of Yoga Union Back Care and Scoliosis Center in New York.
"The number one cause of lower back pain is poor posture and poor sitting," West told NBC News.
"If it works, you'll know relatively soon for low back pain."
The evidence backing yoga to help back pain is not strong. But there are many different types of yoga, and West said the instructor is important.
"We often hear people being told they should just do yoga to help their back, and that can be problematic, because we have had students come to us saying the yoga practice did increase their problem," she said.
"That is not necessarily the fault of the yoga. It was just the wrong practice at that time for the problem the student might have had."
Yoga should never hurt, West said.
"Pain should never be there, and in fact, our motto is 'no pain, no pain,'" she said. "No student should be forced into a pose."
West said patients should make sure yoga instructors are qualified and know about their back pain before they start.
Alternative therapies in general are worth trying, said Houman Danesh, director of Integrative Pain Management at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Evidence also backs the use of acupuncture.
"Overall, it's a very safe thing to at least try. And if it works, you'll know relatively soon for low back pain."
There is not enough evidence to show whether antidepressants, benzodiazepines (drugs that include Valium), anti-seizure medications or opioids even help lower back pain, the ACP said.
And there's some evidence showing that ultrasound and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) do little or nothing to help, the ACP said.

Analysis | Republicans railed against Clinton’s ‘extremely careless’ behavior. Now they’ve got a Trump problem.

Analysis | Republicans railed against Clinton’s ‘extremely careless’ behavior. Now they’ve got a Trump problem.
Republicans got religion on information security during the 2016 campaign. But will they apply the same scrutiny to President Trump as they did to Candidate Hillary Clinton and her email server?
As The Post's Philip Bump notes, there are now several examples of Trump playing fast-and-loose with potentially sensitive information — the latest being the "open-air situation room" he conducted with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at a Mar-a-Lago on Saturday night, which David Fahrenthold details here. Trump has also left a key to classified information out in a secured bag as people without the proper security clearance were in the Oval Office. And then there's the viewing of documents at Mar-a-Lago using cellphone flashlights, which Bump notes can be used like "portable television satellite trucks" when they are compromised.
It's not clear whether any of it actually provided sensitive or classified information to people who shouldn't have seen or heard it, but there does seem to be a pretty casual attitude toward this stuff and at least a case to be made that this behavior is negligent. And that's pretty much exactly what Republicans warned against with Hillary Clinton.
At the time, Republicans highlighted FBI Director James B. Comey's statement that Clinton's handling of sensitive information was "extremely careless." Though Comey recommended against criminal charges, he said individuals who did what she did would often be "subject to security or administrative sanctions."
Republicans pounced, with some arguing that Clinton shouldn't be provided the intelligence briefings usually given to presidential nominees.
Leading that charge was House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), who wrote in The Washington Post in July:
The consequences for the safety of our nation are grave. Clinton’s actions may have allowed our enemies to access intelligence vital to our national security. The FBI found that hostile actors could very well have gained access to classified information sent and received by Clinton, her staff and their contacts.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said "it's impossible to see how Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. can believe Clinton or any of her implicated staffers should ever again be provided access to classified information."
The most outspoken critics of Clinton included Trump's now-CIA director, Mike Pompeo, who was then a congressman from Kansas. "We can't run the risk of more intelligence that puts Americans at risk of being exposed," Pompeo said on his Facebook page. (The post and a tweet to that effect have been deleted by Pompeo, though it's not clear when.)
Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) also focused on Clinton's "reckless" behavior. "It is already outrageous that our secretary of state was ‘extremely careless’ with classified information during her service and recklessly put our national security at risk," he said. "It is equally shameful and dangerous that this individual is now seeking to occupy the world's most powerful office, the American presidency."
No two situations are completely analogous. We know, for instance, that classified information did cross Clinton's server. It's not so clear that classified information was discussed out in the open at Mar-a-Lago or that classified documents were illuminated by those cellphone flashlights.
Republicans would also point out that Clinton took great pains to set up her email server in a certain way. Ryan said at the time that "her actions do not seem careless at all. In fact, Clinton’s actions seem quite careful — careful to place her own interests before our national security." There is no such evidence of deliberateness when it comes to what Trump's doing.
And then there's the matter of Trump being the president. You can't really call for a president to be deprived of his intelligence briefings. Ryan said in his op-ed that Clinton should be deprived of the briefings "absent the voting public’s explicit permission in November." Trump was given that "explicit permission" Nov. 8.
But there is still no evidence that Clinton's email server ever resulted in classified documents falling into the wrong hands. It was always an argument based upon negligence and the possibility of what might have happened.
Which seems to be at least somewhat applicable to what we've seen in recent days with Trump.

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer

Monday, February 13, 2017

Why Didn't Junk Food Cause Obesity In Old Days?

Why Didn't Junk Food Cause Obesity In Old Days?

This question originally appeared on Quora. Answer by Gwen Sawchuk.
I grew up in a semi-rural area, the child of homesteaders. We had food. Food was never good or bad, it was on the table, and you ate until you were full.
We ate very well, but worked for that food. 
My mother had a huge chicken coop, so lots of eggs and chicken.
We planted and harvested about 2 acres of fruits and vegetables of all kinds that could grow in our area. My father had a greenhouse about the size of a single car garage, so we were able to extend a growing season. 
Summer weekends were spent in the bush, picking all sorts of wild berries.  We made our own jams, jellies, cordials, chutneys, different kinds of pickles, canned fruits and berries.
We processed veggies for use during the winter. This involved sterilizing jars, picking and cleaning foods, slicing, dicing, blanching food, boiling sealing jars, bagging and freezing.
My father bought the rest of the food we couldn't grow or source naturally.
Sundays, we always had a huge roast, all kinds of roasted root veggies, and devil's food cake with 7-minute frosting. Most often, dessicated coconut was also put in the frosting.
During the week, a normal meal was soup, meat and 2 veg, salad, some kind of pickle, and dessert. Dessert was usually fruit, either fresh or home canned in heavy syrup, and ice cream. 
When I was young, our home had a wood stove - so fire wood had to be chopped. We didn't have running water, so water had to be carried by bucket. We had a coal furnace, so coal had to be shoveled in, several times a day, outside of the summer months. 
Because we didn't have running water, we used an outhouse, which was in the far corner of the property. Even going to the toilet, you walked half a block each way. 
When I started kindergarten, the school was almost 2 km away from my home (just over a mile). The only time you were allowed to stay at school for lunch is if the temperature was colder than a high of 0F (-18c). So most days, I walked about 8km, just to go to school and back (x2).
The girls all played jump rope at recess. Do children still do that? 
We very rarely ate outside our home, except as guests at other people's homes. When we would go on camping vacations, our first meal out, and last meal coming home would be KFC - the real stuff they used to make with the cream gravy. So if that is the fast food we had, we had it twice a year. 
We used to get a bottle of soda when we went to Grandma's house. That was about every second week. But we used sugar like crazy. Tea and coffee always had at least 2 tsp of sugar in it. Canned fruit was all in heavy syrup. When the large bottles of cola began to be sold, they were terrifically expensive. The 2 quart bottle was over $4. Considering the first apartment I ever rented a couple of years later was $125/month - you can see what a luxury item Coca Cola was. 
Basically, I would say we ate very well. There were plenty of treats, but we were always walking, running and working in the yard. Even the simple things took a lot of work. There was no turning on the tap, that water had to be hauled into the house.
So what I would say is this. Previously, there was little junk food. My mother even made home made marshmallow.  Food was processed at home or in restaurants (eg. no pre-formed patties)  There was no plastic sort of food, such as Cool Whip (introduced in 1966)
People didn't eat away from home very much. People had to work much harder for food. People worked and walked much more in their lives. 
The food of the past is very different than the food of today.

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer

Friday, February 10, 2017

Trump backs "One China" policy in call with China's Xi

Trump backs "One China" policy in call with China's Xi
BEIJING/WASHINGTON, Feb 10 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump agreed to honor the longstanding "One China" policy during a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, taking steps to improve ties after angering Beijing by talking to the leader of Taiwan.
Trump further unnerved Beijing over the self-ruled island in December saying the United States did not necessarily have to stick to the policy, under which Washington acknowledges China's position that Taiwan is part of "One China."
The two leaders had not spoken by telephone since Trump took office on Jan. 20.
A White House statement said Trump and Xi had a lengthy phone conversation on Thursday night Washington time. It came hours before Trump is to play host to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House and later, at his Palm Beach, Florida, retreat.
"President Trump agreed, at the request of President Xi, to honor our 'One China' policy," the statement said.
FILE PHOTO - President Donald Trump during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.© REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo FILE PHOTO - President Donald Trump during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington.
The statement marked a return to a more traditional U.S. policy after Trump had told the Wall Street Journal last month that the "One China" policy was up for negotiation.
The two sides also signaled that with the "One China" issue resolved, they could have more normal relations.
"Representatives of the United States and China will engage in discussions and negotiations on various issues of mutual interest," the statement said.
In a separate statement read out on Chinese state television, Xi said China appreciated Trump's upholding of the "One China" policy.
"I believe that the United States and China are cooperative partners, and through joint efforts we can push bilateral relations to a historic new high," the statement cited Xi as saying.
The White House described the call as "extremely cordial" with both leaders expressing best wishes to their peoples.
"They also extended invitations to meet in their respective countries. President Trump and President Xi look forward to further talks with very successful outcomes," the statement said.
(Editing by Lincoln Feast)

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer
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Trump’s Baffling Tweet on Gorsuch

Trump’s Baffling Tweet on Gorsuch
President Donald Trump falsely claimed a Democratic senator “misrepresents” a conversation that the senator had with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch. In fact, Gorsuch’s spokesman confirmed the senator’s account.
Gorsuch, a federal appeals court judge, has begun meeting with senators who will vote on his nomination.
On Feb. 8, Gorsuch met with Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, who later told reporters that he asked the judge about Trump’s Twitter attacks on a federal judge who issued a temporary restraining order blocking the president’s immigration order. In a series of tweets, Trump attacked Judge James Robart as a “so-called judge” and warned that Robart’s ruling “put our country in such peril.”
“If something happens blame him and court system,” Trump tweeted about Robart, an appointee of President George W. Bush.
At a closed meeting with Blumenthal, Gorsuch told the senator that he found Trump’s remarks about Robart and the court “disheartening” and “demoralizing,” as reported by Bloomberg News and others.
Trump accused Blumenthal of lying in a tweet on the morning after the senator’s meeting with Gorsuch.
The only problem: Gorsuch’s office confirmed Blumenthal’s account, as reported by Bloomberg News, the Washington Post and others.
Bloomberg News, Feb. 8: Ron Bonjean, a spokesman aiding Gorsuch in the confirmation process, confirmed Blumenthal’s account of their conversation in an e-mail and said Gorsuch “used the words disheartening and demoralizing.”

Jawad Ameer ©2017, copyright @ jawad ameer 

Readers Zone

Thursday, August 4, 2016

New tracking method adapted to all budgets.

Lost your car and can’t remember where you parked? It happens to the best of us: wandering aimlessly through parking lots, clicking the panic button on your key chain to get your headlights to illuminate.
You don’t need a pricey radio transponder to keep tabs on your car. Uplinking your wheels to the great eye in the sky without breaking the bank is easier than you think.
Standalone GPS and radio triangulation units can cost hundreds. And that’s not counting the installation, activation fees, and monthly fees associated with whatever service you do choose. For most of us, it’s overkill. The good news is that some of life’s biggest problems seem to be disappearing because of new technology. If you frequently forget where you parked your car, there is a tiny gadget and app that could be what you’re looking for.

What is it about?

It’s about Trackr, A small and discreet device the size of a coin that is revolutionizing the market.

But… How does it work?

Very easy! It will take less than five minutes to put it to work. You simply pair it with your smartphone and download the free application which will allow you to locate it anytime.
Once this is done, you simply have to put it on your key chain, in your wallet or in any object you want to locate. In this case you just have to hide it in your car.
Now you just open the application on your smartphone and you can easily see the position of your TrackR on the map. If you lose your car or any other item, simply select “find device” and you’ll get the coordinates of the new location.
With Trackr you’ll be able to locate your car at any time

In the following video you’ll be able to see it in action:

How much is it going to cost me?

You are probably thinking that this device will be very expensive…nope. This is the best part, you can acquire one for so little, the price is about $29. Not bad considering it gives peace of mind.

How to buy it?

That’s easy, you can buy it from the website.
Now you can buy 2 units and get 1 free. Offer ends on Thursday 04th August 2016

Other functions

Do you often forget your wallet? Forget where you left your keys? Or want to prevent your pet from escaping? With Trackr you can also track your personal belongings. Simply attach it to anything you consider important or easy to lose, link it to your Smartphone (with the Trackr application) and you will find what you lost, it’s that easy!

Detailed instructions on how to use Trackr

  Get Trackr from this website, you’ll get it delivered to your home in about 1 week.
  • Step 1: Get Trackr from this website, you’ll get it delivered to your home in about 1 week.
  • Step 2: Link Trackr Bravo with your Smartphone (iPhone or Android) and hide it in your car.
  • Step 3: Download the app and always have in hand the location of your valuables.
  • PRO TIP: TrackR is a great gift idea because THERE IS NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION!
They have an amazing summertime sale going on right now and if you buy 4 TrackR’s they will send you 4 additional Trackr’s for FREE!
So pick up 4 TrackR’s and get 4 for FREE so you and your family can keep track of everything: Suitcases, pets, keys, bikes, toys, and even electronics like your iPad, laptop or kindle!

Jawad Ameer ©2016, copyright @ jawad ameer